Adding versioning to Flask-SQLAlchemy with SQLAlchemy-Continuum


SQLAlchemy has a limited versioning extension that does not support entire transactions. SQLAlchemy-Continuum offers a flexible API for implementing a versioning mechanism to your SQLAlchemy ORM database.

If you want to ensure nothing is lost after editing your database I have found this package to be a good place to start. There are drawbacks when it comes to data retention; hashing algorithms and data compression aren't built into the API.

This article assumes you are using Flask-SQLAlchemy .

pip install sqlalchemy-continuum

In the module where your SQLAlchemy models are defined call make_versioned() before their definition and add __versioned__ to all models you wish to add versioning to.

# app/
from flask import Flask
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
from sqlalchemy.orm import configure_mappers
from sqlalchemy_continuum import make_versioned

app = Flask(__name__)

db = SQLAlchemy()



class Post(db.Base):
    __versioned__ = {}


Database queries will now have a list-like object called versions

from app.models import Post, db

id = 1  # first item in the db; we are using `get` and the db starts at 1
revision = 1  # however, with `post.versions` we are working with list indexes

# for a post object with at least 1 entry, and at least 2 versions
post = Post.query.get(id=id)

With the above, a third item has been added to post.versions , which is basically a duplicate of the first.

We can then craft a route that will restore the previous version:

from app.utils.models import Post, db
from flask_login import login_required
from flask import redirect, url_for, Blueprint

bp = Blueprint("views", __name__)

def version(id, revision):
    post = Post.query.get(id=id)
    return redirect(url_for("views.index"))


Accessing /1/version/1 after your URL will restore version 1 from post 1

If you already have an update view, much like the one demonstrated here then we can also load the previous version with a query-string. With this we don't have to blindly restore versions (and add more duplicate versions along the way).

by default, the revision returned will be the last one i.e. /1/update is the same as /1/update?revision=-1 .

This time we will return the version object - this way the form will be pre-loaded with the revision. Once the form's submission is validated the current post object will be replaced with restored revision. Once this is committed either a duplicate or edited version will be added to post.versions .

from app.utils.models import Post, db
from flask import redirect, Blueprint, request, render_template
from flask_login import login_required
from app.utils.forms import PostForm

bp = Blueprint("views", __name__)

@bp.route("/<int:id>/update", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def update(id):
    # by default, revision returned will be the last one
    revision = request.args.get("revision", -1, type=int)
    post = Post.query.get(id=id)
    # this time we will return the version object
    version = post.versions[revision]
    # this way the form will be preloaded with the revision
    form = PostForm(title=version.title, body=version.body)
    # once the form's submit button is pressed the current `post` object 
    # will be replaced with restored revision
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        post.title =
        post.body =
        # once this is committed either a duplicate or edited version 
        # will be added to `post.versions`
        return redirect(url_for("views.index"))

    return render_template("update.html", post=post, form=form)
